
Добавил TeNHa_OGLAN, в категорию: Файлы (15-02-2014, 22:47)


Информация о файле: bha.dll.vbs

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ОС: Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/2008/Win 7/Win 8

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What does cannot find script file H:Bha.dll.vbs mean?. My Laptop is infected with Bha.dll.vbs What in the world is that? I cant get it out of the system either Any ideas? Sign In to add your answer No other Answers Ask a Question Related Questions Laptop is infected!!? Windows. Upon execution it drops a copy of itself as BHA.DLL.VBS in the Windows folder and in the root folder It also drops an AUTORUN.INF file, which is responsible for automatically executing BHA.DLL.VBS, in the root folder Is ther a Generic blood pressure pills like Diovan? Softwares listed here are for informational and testing purpose only You should ALWAYS buy the software that you do use, or find suitable Open Source replacements (as there are loads).By using the softwares you automatically agree the responsibility regarding whatever you.i have a problem, when i click drive C or drive D the message of windows script host says:can not find script file C:\Bha.dll.vbs if you noted to delete any autorun hidden file,i dont know where to find it!please help me to solve this problem. \Window Title\ again, find and delete any reference to Bha.dll.vbs Use Windows explorer to find any other references to bha.dll.vbs and delete them too. Forum Information: Currently it is Wednesday, October 08, 2014 7:54 PM (GMT +3) There are a total of 60,659 posts in 13,332 threads In the last 3 days there were 1 new threads and 11 reply posts. This entry has information about the startup entry named MS32DLL that points to the Bha.dll.vbs file This program should not be allowed to start Please visit this result for more detailed information about this program.realtek alc888 xp driverWhat does cannot find script file H:\Bha.dll.vbs mean?, Windows Security, Data encryption and security over wide area and local networks. avast cant detect this virus, did anyone know how 2 remove these threat Note: -This worm is located in C:\%WINDIR%\ copies itself to all removeable and shared drives as \Bha.dll.vbs and creates the file \autorun.inf. What is Bha.dll.vbs? Actually it is a kind of worm that in the form of script(My Own Definition. Upon execution it drops a copy of itself as BHA.DLL.VBS in the Windows folder and in the root folder It also drops an AUTORUN.INF file, which is responsible for automatically executing BHA.DLL.VBS, in the root folder 0 0 Comment; Other Answers (2) Relevance Relevance.bha.dll.vbs is a malicios software that attack flash/pen drives Techincal details here Flash Disinfector (mirror side) is malware removing tools for above and all the malwares below W32/Perlovga (copy.exe | host.exe) VBS_RESULOWS.A (Hacked by Godzilla, Hacked by Moozilla) w32automa. Bha.dll.vbs w32automa worm (Autorun.vbs) Trojan.Win32.VB.atg | Win32/Dzan | Worm_vb.bnr (tel.xls.exe | mmc.exe) W32 Let see what does flash disinfector will do, and how can you use flash disinfector to remove autorun.inf malwares. بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم Pernah saya dengar kata² yang boleh dikongsi bersama |Ilmu bukan pada orang dewasa @ orang yang belajar tinggi sahaja, jadi janganlah kita tunjuk ego seolah kita mengetahui segalanya. Hi all: Now I cannot open my external hard disc from My Computer - once I click my external hard disc (H drive), it is said cannot find script file H:\Bha.dll.vbs! I believe that Bha.dll.vbs.

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