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call c dll from delphi

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call c dll from delphi

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Call delphi dll C# / C Sharp Forums on Bytes 396,376 Members | 1,464 Online Join Now; login + Ask Question Home Questions Articles Browse Topics Latest Top Members FAQ home > topics > c# / c sharp > questions. This is a discussion on Calling C-dll from delphi - Delphi; Hello group, trying to translate a h file for use within delphi How do I translate typedef void (*GEOSMessageHandler)(const char *fmt. Delphi Forum > General Hi, Does anyone know how to call a C# dll from Delphi? Thanks! It's not important if the Dll it's compiled with C#, C++, or else if Dll it's for win32 and apllication it's for win32 demo to call a DLL Code: unit main; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils. Native VCL Explorer Shell Controls, Source Code Included Free Trial!Quote > I have an SDK for moving Digital Files from a digital tape > recorder SDK includes sample C code to call their DLL from I > am NOT making a component, just trying to have the callback in. EDIT: I've posted a better implementation of this, below I left this here so the responses would make sense I've done numerous searches for the correct method for writing a DLL in Delphi, and. I composed Net 3.5 dll with single method, which is to be called by Delphi exe Unfortunately it does not work The steps: 1 Create C# 3.5 dll with the code: public class MyDllClass { publi. Call a Delphi DLL in C# Visual Studio Languages , NET Framework > Visual C# I must call it in my C# application How can i made this? tanks Alessandro Saturday, March 11, 2006 5:16 PM Reply | Quote | Answers text/html 3/11.We are currently in the process of migrating from Delphi to C# with the App I need to write a DLL that bridges with the VB6 DLLs I am writing this DLL in C# I need to call this DLL from Delphi. Hello I want to call a function in a delphi DLL from a little DLL write in C (ANSI C, not C++) I don't work with C but a bit with Delphi, I'm learnin. (Delphi) Call DLL with function pointer parameter: I'm stuck with calling an external DLL and passing a function (pointer) as parameter I've recently had different problem of passing some arguments to DLL and you helped. Im trying to call from C# net 3.5 a old Delphi DLL DLL, Syntax (Delphi): Code: function WLePesoControlado8540(const Conexao,NLeiturasEstaveis,Timeou.From: Jacob Pedersen : Subject: Calling C DLL file from Delphi - Where is my bug: NewsGroup: borland.public.delphi.nativeap. Navigate to other messages within this thread RE: [delphi-en] How do I call a C++ DLL from Delp Tuan Le; RE: [delphi-en] How do I call a C++ DLL from. Hello, I am stucked for few days and dont know what to do I am working on a library written in c++ (the result is dll), which contains several functions. Before I get to the meat of this post, I want to make some ammendments and edits to the code from the last one Today I was wrangling around and began to recall more of my C++, initializers in particular, so I've updated the Example1 class to use them.

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