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sql if parameter is null

Добавил Henry, в категорию: Файлы (8-06-2014, 18:43)

sql if parameter is null

Название: sql if parameter is null

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1 sp_ExecuteSQL uses a parametrised query, and the query is cached, so will be as efficient as a stored procedure EXEC will cache the query too, but the exact same query (i.e including parameter substitutions) is cached, so unlikely to be reused, or rarely so. I need a way to add in OR fldName IS NULL where the parameter is empty or '%' I've looked at using CASE WHEN, but it doesnt seem to like SQL Keywords being part of the WHEN clause I don't think you need the WHEN in there, but that's the right basi. More often then not they need to take multiple parameters A common struggle is how to pass optional parameters to a stored procedure Let's talk about a simple example and (lastName = @lastName or @lastName is null) I know how to check if a parameter is null but i am not sure how to check if its empty I have these parameters and I want to check the previous parameters are empty or null and then set them lik. after expanding databases, Value cannot be null Parameter name: viewInfo (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlStudio.Explorer) DETAILS ATTACH A FILE EDIT THIS Repairing SQL Server installation and even reinstalling it does not help Microsoft Connect Terms of Use Trademarks. Yes, you can have a stored procedure that has optional parameters You can do this by setting a default value for each parameter that you want to make optional WHEN @lastName IS NULL THEN AU_LName. You can avoid executing a function when NULL values are passed as parameters To achieve this you need to create function with RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT, this option introduced in SQL Server 2005 You can use this while creating a function as below: USE [SqlAndMe] GO CREATE FUNCTION. If the default value of the formal parameter type is NULL, then the actual parameter must be a variable whose data type is not defined as NOT NULL x.f is abcde y.f is NULL z is NULL PL/SQL procedure successfully completed Subprogram Parameter Aliasing.rhino 4.0 sr3 evaluation crackThe IS NULL and IS NOT NULL predicates (which use a postfix syntax) test whether data is, or is not, one notable exception In most implementations, COALESCE evaluates its parameters until it reaches the first non-NULL one, while NVL evaluates all of its parameters This is important. Hi, I'm sure the answer to question I'm about to is NO, but I'd appreciate it if anyone would kindly confirm so Well, is it possible to declare a Parameter for a Stored Procedure in SQL Server 2000 so that it may not be NULL, for example. The following code gives an error - No implicit conversion from DBnull to int SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[1]; SqlParameter planIndexParameter = new SqlParameter(@AgeIndex, current community chat blog Stack Overflo. Hi, I have a report with datetime parameter which is required to be optional (there should be an option not to select this parameter which would cause in not narrowing result of this report by this parameter) I used datetime parameter (to have the calendar control for selecting date) for which.10 Comments Hey Rob, which one has the better execution plan, the one that you shared or this: CREATE PROCEDURE TestProc ( @Param1 varchar(50) = NULL. This is where I'd like to check to see if @Skills is NULL -- And if not, I'd like to make entries into EmployeeSkills table using the @EmployeeID I just got and the data coming from @Skills END Could someone tell me if a table-valued parameter can be null? The importance of using parameterized SQL queries has been well established, but passing table values or occassional NULL values has always been a problem just in case a user intends to pass a single null parameter sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter( @0, DBNull. For more information about passing parameters to templates, see Passing Parameters to Templates in SQL Server Books Online To pass the NULL parameter value, you specify the nullvalue attribute The value that is assigned to the nullvalue attribute is then provided as the parameter value.

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