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starcraft v1.16 patch
Добавил xan001, в категорию: Файлы (4-06-2014, 15:44)
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ИнформацияПосетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.Blizzard has issued a new patch for Starcraft and the Brood War expansion, upgrading both titles to version 1.16 Thanks: The Patches Scrolls) This update contains several bugfixes and feature changes (press 'read more' for changelog. Patch 1.16 (Mac) The 1.16 patch for Starcraft for the Mac OS X operating system Patch added: 01.12.2008 | StarCraft_v116_OSX.zip | 10.72 MB | 1717 download. StarCraft v1.16 Patch Notes Feature Changes In-game chat is now saved in replays Note: whispers are not saved Hitting the Escape key while in the chat room will clear your typed text. Download StarCraft Patch v1.16.1 (Windows) now from the world's largest gaming download site, FilePlanet!What's fixed in Patch 1.16 Request a new password if you have an account on the old megagames.co. What's fixed in Patch 1.16 Feature Changes In-game chat is now saved in replays Note: whispers are not saved Hitting the Escape key while in the chat room will clear your typed text. Made by me in about a half hour Includes some balance changes, some fixes, and includes the Original and the Anthology Icon recolored to blue ALSO THIS FIREGRAFT SELF EXECUTABLE IS FOR 1.16.1!!!! StarCraft v1.16 +9 TRAINER; StarCraft v1.15.2 +9 TRAINER; StarCraft v1.15.1 +9 TRAINER; Official StarCraft: Broodwar v1.16.1 Patch [24.5 MB] Official StarCraft v1.16.1 Patch [24.5 MB] Official StarCraft: Broodwar v1.15.2 Patch [24.5 MB] - Removes CD-Check!Patch 1.16 Patch 1.16.1 Release: 2009-01-21 Feature Changes In-game Speed Options menu now has a Enable CPU Throttling checkbox Enabling this option will allow StarCraft to consume fewer CPU cycles. Ten years later, Blizzard is still releasing patches for StarCraft Today's update, now available at FileShack, comes in two flavors: one for those with plain old StarCraft and one for those with the Brood War expansion Patch 1.16 brings some CPU optimizations--the game now only uses as much. StarCraft Brood War Download - Free download - Newest 1.16.1 version - Compatible with all private servers DOWNLOAD - 100MB Or download the game from iccup servers files.theabyss.ru/sc/starcraft.zip For patches maps and other stuff visit How to start playing Starcraft? Also download BN The V1.16.1 patch for Starcraft will apply a series of crash/bug fixes, additional features and major gameplay enhancements.
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