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vb.net nothing vs null
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ИнформацияПосетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.Why does the first if statement evaluate to true? I know if I use is instead of = then it won't evaluate to true If I replace String.Empty with Foo it doesn't evaluate to true Bot. VB.Net >> Nothing vs dbnull.value by Cor Ligthert[MVP] » Wed, 19 Mar 2008 13:06:45 GMT John, Null tells that there is nothing as the reference to an object (in VB what is not Ecla is using the keyword as it is Nothing) DBNull.Value is a value type This could be a matter of changing the query that filled the table to exclude NULL in that field, or going through the table looking for Nulls, and changing them to an Converting from DBNULL to Nothing in VB.NET Thank you all I changed it in all my code and made sure to turn option. Null value vs Nothing in VB.NET Mar 27, 2004 08:38 AM | JackNet | LINK I see Thank you :) :) a nice guy ‹ Previous Thread | Next Thread. In VB.NET, you actually need to run a function to determine if an object is empty How to Check if an Object is NULL or Nothing in VB.NET By Capt Rochefort on January 13, 2012 • ( 0) In VB.NET, you actually need to run a function to determine if an object is empty. These VB.NET examples use the Nothing literal and IsNothing A references that points to nothing can cause an Exception. but since Null is the same as 0, I am stuck Thanks in advance Hbhargava Is This A Good Question/Topic? 0 Back to top; MultiQuote (Of Integer) = Nothing This post has been edited by Charles:): 08 July 2010 VB.NET; Next Topic → Page 1. I'm converting some C# code to VB.NET I have a simple dictionary-like data structure that contains name/value pairs The value element is of type Object My C# code looks like this if(x.Value !. In NET nullable data types are data types that can be set to a null reference or, in VB.NET terms, Nothing They can either contain.
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